My daily reflections

Seems like it’s been forever since i have logged in here, desperate times, desperate measures. been quite a trying times for everyone and i commend us all as a community, families, friends and neighbours for been there for each other the light and compassion we all have been sharing to uplift one another is truly commendable. but most importantly this is a time where we all are forced to face our fears, worries and you name it, and it has been such an overwhelming challenge for us all in a way or the other, whilst the future still looks bleak their is a lot we can do to change uplift, challenge and be comfortable with situations, thoughts, conversations and perhaps relationships we never thought we would form, just like most people i am bored out of my mind and the need for structure in my life right now is so massive i just hope for things to become #normal i guess, but you no what it’s okay to feel that way as long as we find a way to connect internally and build our strength by finding our selves, and a moment amidst all this chaos and truly reflect on what has been and perhaps will be in our lives in the coming days and the future at large. i believe in us all as one race #humanity if we set our mind to it we can do it. and with that said don’t forget to spiritually connect yourself to a bond greater and more powerful than the #universe. #STAYHOMESTAYSAFE

Published by: Hajar

Honoured am i to be part of the platform and cheers to the connoisseurs of art in the house. So i'm as boring as down to earth as the situation warrants, reading, movies and running is probably the topmost doable thing on my list and i love human and i love life always looking on the brighter side of things.